Neoseiulus cucumeris

Neoseiulus cucumeris

from $20.00

Amblysieus cucumeris (=Neoseiulus cucumeris) is a predatory mite shipped in bran carrier. Targets western flower thrips, onion thrips, and to a lesser extent, spider, cyclamen and broad mites. Nymph and adult stages feed on immature stages of thrips, so a decrease in adult thrips populations will show 3 weeks or so after release. Adults also feed on twospotted spider mites and their eggs. Cucumeris takes 3-4 weeks to establish, so it should be applied before thrips populations appear. Cucumeris also feeds on pollen as an alternate food source. Ideal conditions are 66°-80° F, 65-72% RH. Day lengths less than 12.5 hours with night temperatures less than 70° F induce diapause unless supplemental light is provided.

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